Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This is me on halloween!!! I was a football player and i worn my friends blaze uniform. It was really fun and i got lots of candy. My friend and I went trick or treating together and I had to go back at 8:00 to give the football pants back to my friend for his game tomorrow. By the time i got home I had a bage full no candy. This one guy was out of candy so he gave me a hand made bowl that he made himself. Its red with a bit of black added to it.
When i was done empting my bag me and cammi went out and took some little girls that were my mom and dads friends kids and we went trick or treating even more. i got another bag full and im still stuffed with a lot of candy. the weather was great and it sprinkled a bit but it still felt well. last year the weather was freezing and stupid me went out with out a jacket. but oh well its over and done with.


Spencer and Aly Larsen said...

save me some candy for this friday. I am hoping that you are still planning on coming over. You did a good job with the costume!

Annie said...

You are such a "skinny winnie"! If you plan on being a football player, you need to put a little more meat on "dem bones". Love ya lots. You looked really good - yeah...even if you are a bit on the thin side.....